downsizing & relocation
Moving can be a challenge. Any relocation involves not just the physical labour of packing and unpacking but also the significant upfront time to sort through your belongings, choosing what will go with you to your new home, and what is no longer practical for the life you are living now. Making these decisions can be overwhelming. If this is a later-life relocation, it may come with less space to accommodate retirement, a fixed pension income, or mobility challenges. Moving Forward’s unique personal services offer private one-on-one sorting sessions with owner-operator, Debby King. This is time well spent to ensure that your new space is organized and manageable, and becomes the fresh start you imagined. As decisions are made, we arrange donations and disposal of excess contents. An efficient move requires boxes, bins, packing paper, movers and removal of all materials after unpacking. There are other details like disconnection and reconnection of services, sending out change of address notices; all of that takes time, and is never as simple as it sounds.
Moving Forward offers a broad range of supports that we customize to your particular move. After meeting with you in your home, Debby assembles the right team members to complete each phase of your relocation efficiently while keeping a close eye on the budget.
age in place in your own home, safely
We are clutter experts. In 2008, owner-operator, Debby King, launched Moving Forward to work with seniors who were planning to downsize and relocate. She quickly realized that many seniors are committed to remaining in their much-loved, long-time homes but require guidance and support to make their living space safer and more manageable. De-cluttering and simplification are essential to that process, followed by an a la carte menu of services that supports an independent lifestyle. We provide private, one-on-one sorting sessions to ensure your space is accessible and well organized. No detail is too small for our attention. It is our belief that every home should contain the things we love the best, balanced with the most practical items to support the life we are living now.
a la carte menu of services, as much or as little as you need …
preparing your home for sale: decluttering walls and surfaces, main rooms, kitchen, cupboards, closets, basement, storage room, garage, shed, storage lockers. organizing, simplifying, arranging donations, disposal of unwanted items, deep cleaning, basic staging.
relocation services: one-on-one sorting sessions to choose what items will be packed and moved to your new home, what will be donated, given to family and friends, or sent for disposal; purchase all packing materials, boxes, bins, packing paper, tape, markers; pack everything room by room for easy unpacking at the other end; clean empty space to required standard; deep cleaning of new space prior to occupancy, unpack, dispose of packing materials, organize and arrange belongings in your new home.
no detail is too small for our attention. If there are other services required, we will arrange to have them provided for you. We offer a full range of support with team members who step in and out of your project as necessary, and you only pay for what you use. If you need less, you will be charged less.
small repairs, touch-ups, cleaning
Both ends of a relocation are considered when Moving Forward manages your move. If you are selling your home, there might be some simplification, repairs or small updates to be done before it is listed for sale or before the house closes. Your new space may require a deep cleaning or a bit of painting before we arrive with your belongings. After the unpacking, there could be blinds, shelves or artwork to be installed. Moving Forward has reciprocal relationships with small business owners who partner with Debby King to ensure that all details on both ends of your relocation are co-ordinated and managed by the same team.